REGIO REGIA a Közép-dunántúli Régió Értékteremtőinek Magazinja
Kiadó: Regio Regia Nonprofit Kft.
ISSN-szám: online: 1787-3010 nyomtatott: 1785-7074
Szerkesztőség: 2800 Tatabánya, Táncsics M. út 51.
Telefon: 34/310-971
E-mail: info@regioregia.hu
KEM-Bridge Net
Iroda: 2800 Tatabánya, Táncsics u. 51.
Telefon: 34/310-971
E-mail: info@kembridge.hu
Address: 1111 Budapest, 0
Address: 1165 Budapest, Újszász u. 88.
Phone: 70/626-3828 Fax: 36-1-407-3859
NA -KE Bt. |
Address: 2900 Komárom, Báthory u. 38
Phone: 34/340-307, 20/9358-510 Fax: 34/340-307 E-mail: baka0309@t-online.hu Open: H-P.:6-15
STandard - Team Kft. |
Address: 2900 Komárom, Széchenyi u. 19.
Fax: 34/345-803
Services: Our services are:
Disposal, treatment and recycling of heavy metal-bearing hazardous wastes - galvanic sludge, phosphate sludge, metal-bearing solutions, souses, powders and cinders containing non-ferrous metal - materials of surface treatment or other industrial origin.
Production of metal salts, metal-hydroxides, processing spent-acids, -lyes.
Laboratory testing of waste material, waste water, sewage sludge, oily slop. |
Address: 2800 Tatabánya, Szent István u. 34.
Phone: 34/324-387
Zenon Membrane Solutions Part of GE's Water & Process Technologies |