REGIO REGIA a Közép-dunántúli Régió Értékteremtőinek Magazinja
Kiadó: Regio Regia Nonprofit Kft.
ISSN-szám: online: 1787-3010 nyomtatott: 1785-7074
Szerkesztőség: 2800 Tatabánya, Táncsics M. út 51.
Telefon: 34/310-971
E-mail: info@regioregia.hu
KEM-Bridge Net
Iroda: 2800 Tatabánya, Táncsics u. 51.
Telefon: 34/310-971
E-mail: info@kembridge.hu
Hotel Silver Resort |
Address: 8230 Balatonfüred, Arácsi út 4.
Phone: 87/581-581,87/555-250 Fax: 87/581-582 Open: H-P.: 9-:00-17:30, Szo.: 9:00-13:00
Address: 8624 Balatonszárszó, Csárda utca 20.
Phone: +36 84 363 115 Fax: +36 84 362 823 Open: Egész évben
Address: 1063 Budapest, Szinyei Merse u. 13. IV/24
ReservationRobot Kft. |
Address: 1052 Budapest, Párizsi u. 7
Phone: 70/381-04-76 Fax: 1/26-66-826 Open: H-P: 10-19
Address: 8229 Csopak, Vadvirág u. 4.
Phone: 30/986-3783 Fax: 87/446-848
Address: 2500 Esztergom, Petőfi S. út 39.
Phone: 33/501-050. 501-051, Fax: 33/417-646
Cathedralis Tours |
Address: 2500 Esztergom, Bajcsy-Zs. u. 26.
Phone: 33/403-603 ; 30/216-92-49 Fax: 33/520-261 E-mail: cathedralisegom@v.net.hu
Services: Full-scale travel service: airplane ticket sale, booking & issuing at once, wide variety of holidays, round-trips, business-travel, room booking, car-renting, taking out travel insurances. |
Address: 2500 Esztergom, Bajcsy-Zs.u.5.BelvárosiÜzlethá
Phone: 33/520-635, 520-636 Fax: 33/520-636
Address: 2500 Esztergom, Bátori S. B. 1/B
Phone: 20/9763-588, 20/9763-588
Gran Tours Kft. |
Address: 2500 Esztergom, Széchenyi tér 25.
Phone: 33/502-001 Fax: 33/502-000 E-mail: grantours@freemail.hu Open: télen H-P.:8-16 nyáron H-P.:8-17 Szo.:8-12
Services: The travel agency in the city of Esztergom provides you these services: giftware for guests on meetings, brochure connectied with Esztergom for sale, tour guide in foreign-language and in Hungarian, information service, meal, excursion arrangment, hotel reservation, foreign exchange, transport of passengers, sight-seeing with train. |
Address: 2500 Esztergom, Kettőspince sor 1
Phone: (+36) 30-517-3462 Open: egész évben
Address: 2483 Gárdony, Szabadság u.
Phone: 06-20/976-9654
Services: The hotel is situated 700 metres from Lake Velence and 850 metres from the thermal baths. It can be approached from the M7 motorway and the main road No.70. We accommodate our guests on three floors in our hotel which is open throughout the year. Our double, triple and quarter bedrooms with 26
baths, 5 outdoor baths are equipped with TVs and minibars. |